
Value Based Selling: Pricing Communication Dos and Dont’s

Communicating the price of your products and services to your customers may happen every day, depending on the type of business you manage. We often take for granted how we communicate prices. And, while it is most important to communicate the value of your offering well in advance of closing the sale, how the price […]

Is Shouting Your Pricing Strategy from the Rooftops a Good Idea?

Why Would You Want Competitors to Know Your Prices? The fact is, a lot of companies go to great lengths to communicate their pricing strategy, and each pricing move, to their competitors – and for good reason. While many industries have no price leadership, many others do. What is price leadership? It’s where one participant […]

Buyers Beating Sellers 15 to 1! Let Value-Based Selling Even Playing Field

Score: Buyers 15 vs. Sellers 1 It’s estimated that purchasing departments in the U.S. spend about $3 Billion every year on technology to help them better manage the prices that they pay for goods and services. It’s also estimated that selling organizations spend $200 million each year on technology to help them better manage the […]

The Value Law of Business Physics

We have a number of Laws of Business Physics that we often share with our clients. These “laws” are modeled after Newton’s laws of physics. We thought that you might enjoy learning about one; The Value Law of Business Physics. The Value Law of Business Physics states that every change in value delivered has an equal […]

Are You Undercutting Product Value?

The strategy of pricing products and services based on value is predicated on effectively communicating value during the selling process. An increasing number of manufacturers and distributors are moving toward a value-based pricing strategy – that is, setting prices according to the value, and specifically economic value, that the product delivers to the user. Are […]

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