
Tame Your Pricing Complexity

Are you operating within a complex pricing environment? For many wholesale distribution and manufacturing companies, pricing can become complex very quickly. Consider the distributor with 8,000 SKUs. Setting prices that will sell the most number of units AND deliver the maximum margin is a real challenge. Now consider that this distributor has over 1,500 customers […]

Pricing Power for Your Sales Team

Our price consultants find that most wholesale distributors and many manufacturers rely upon their customer facing teams to control or at least influence prices. In the most extreme cases, sales reps have complete decision making power to set prices as they see fit. In more moderate situations sales teams influence price setting by discounting. The […]

3 Pricing Myths: Don’t You Believe ’em!

In the world of pricing management, the adage “Don’t believe everything you hear” holds special meaning. Myths run rampant here. If you allow any of these myths to influence the price decisions you make every day, you risk leaving far too much money on the table. Here are three of the most potentially harmful pricing […]

How Much of Your Business is Underpriced? Price Consultants Can Help

Can you assume that the pricing of your products and services are spot-on? Consider that every sale made represents a price point that was acceptable to the individual buyer. This means that all sales in your business represent sales wins as opposed to lost sales. We know that the customer was willing to pay the […]

Thinking About Strategic Pricing? Start Here With Price Consultants

As the field of strategic pricing continues to grow at an ever-increasing rate, more and more companies are wondering how to start their own strategic pricing programs. The challenge for most firms is that, unlike finance, marketing, operations or sales, strategic pricing doesn’t have a home within most organizations – at least not yet. When […]

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